latest news

School street

Croydon Council plan a big expansion to the healthy school street scheme, aimed at controlling traffic at drop off and pick up times, and encouraging healthier ways of getting to school. the proposal for the Park Hill schools would restrict entry to Stanhope Road, from its junction with Chichester Road, round to The Avenue at its junction with Cotelands. Residents will be able to apply for a permit so that they can drive in and out as needed, but other drivers might find themselves with a large ... Read more

Wellbeing cafe - change of day to Monday

Although the first Wellbeing Cafe at St Matthew's was on a Saturday, future Renew 121  cafes will be on Mondays from 2 to 4pm. It will still offer a safe environment and a space where it is OK to not be OK. Further details are are attached.... Read more

More Roadworks

Just as we breathed a sigh of relief that the roadworks at the Coombe Road/Park Hill Road roundabout were at last finished, cones appeared at another route out of Park Hill, outside the entrance to the park on Barclay Road. This is where major roadworks took place a couple of years ago. A sign has now appeared indicating something structural. No mention yet of any works as such but it looks as though the lane closure will be there for a while. this has been confirmed by Croydon Council in the fo... Read more

Lunchtime jazz continues

We've received an update with the latest programme of Jazz on Thursday lunchtimes at the Front Room in St Georges Walk.... Read more

Seasonal message from Sarah Jones

We were unable to include an update from our MP, Sarah Jones, in the recent Park Hill newsletter. Instead we show below her seasonal update in the form of her December newsletter. PLEASE SCROLL DOWN     Constituency update - December 2021 As the year draws to a close, this will be my last newsletter of 2021. From my family to yours, I wish you a very pea... Read more

More on the Water Tower works

As the water tower in Park Hill Park is a listed building, contractors have to apply for planning permission. The application for permanent repairs is now on Croydon Council's planning page under the reference 21/04135/LBC. We attach the Design and Access Statement and Heritage Statement. It contains some information on the history and construction of the water tower.... Read more

Tunstall Nursery School

The Corona virus has put a huge strain on parents of young children, especially if those parents are working and trying to balance looking after their children, looking after the home, shopping and going to work! As part of our local community, we are publicising the facilities available at Tunstall Nursery School, you can see details on the attached poster, or by phoning the Tunstall Nursery School office.... Read more

Pillar Box Art

This summer Park Hill had perhaps the best dressed pillar box in the country. Someone knitted a cover - more like a beret than a bonnet - for a pillar box. It is in the rainbow colours of thanks to the NHS and indeed has Thank you close to its centre. Thank you too from PHRA to whoever knitted the hat and put it on the pillar box.... Read more

Neighbourhood Meeting 2019

A good turnout of residents braved the rain to attend the PHRA Neighbourhood Meeting on May 10. After the chair John Ingman had updated the audience on events of the past year, treasurer David Stanton reported on the Association's healthy financial position and asked for suggestions of any small local projects that PHRA could help. After refreshments, MP Sarah Jones, councillor Vidhi Mohan and PCSO Oliver White joined the meeting. A lively discussion followed, mainly on the new bin system and We... Read more