The annual subscription for the Residents Association is £5.00 a year. Normally we do not ask for it until the first Newsletter of the year and there is an opportunity to pay in person at the Annual Neighbourhood meeting. There are various ways to pay. The most convenient way is to pay by internet transfer. The sort code for our bank account is 30-92-45 and the account number is 01330171. The account is held with Lloyds Bank. Please give as much of your address as your bank will allow as a reference. If you don’t do internet banking you can send or deliver the subscription to the Membership Secretary at 10 Selborne Road, CR0 5JQ. Either enclose a shiny £5 note or you can pay by cheque, made out to Park Hill Residents Association if you are more comfortable with that. Sorry, but we can’t do contactless. Please include your name and address with the subscription.